Labeling machine for cylindrical container or rolling boat of 65/150 mm. The labeling of the first operation can be done with cold or hot glue and the second operation by tape or glue injection.
The labeling occurs when the round container passes along a straight path that is driven by belts that guide the containers while they distance them and keep their speed constant.
The A3-5 labeller has an operational versatility of 150 minute boats. It has a variable speed drive that regulates the labeller in the labeling process of the boat, in more or less quantity to be labeled, according to the customer’s need.
Due to their design they are highly versatile labeling machines, completely accessible, which facilitates their handling and maintenance, complying with the regulations of the C.E.
Technical data Model A3-5
Other labeling machines that are manufactured
Model A400
Labeling machine of cylindrical container or rolling boat of 65/100 mm.
Model A2
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Model A350
Labeling machine for cylindrical container or 150 ∅ rolling can. Packages of 3 Kg. And 5Kg.